Le milliardaire Bruce Wayne et son pupille Dick Grayson mènent une double vie dans laquelle ils sont Batman et Robin, justiciers masqués. À l'aide d'une large panoplie de gadgets et véhicules (bat-bouclier, Batmobile, Bat-copter, Bat-canot, bat-grappin…) ils combattent le crime dans la ville de Gotham City et ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 25 minutes |
Action, Aventure, Comédie, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Family, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Suspense | ABC (US) | 1966 |
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Batman tombe amoureux
Batman Displays His Knowledge
Catwoman goes ahead with her scheme to steal several Batagonian Cat’s Eye opals, but she has trouble finding someone to fence them since such rare stones would be easily spotted. With little recourse left, she decides to turn them in for the reward money. It seems like the perfect job for her acquaintance, Freddy the Fence. But when he notices that the gems are fakes, Catwoman realizes she has been tricked by Batman and vows to get revenge on the Caped Crusader once and for all.
Diffusion originale : 23 février 1967
Diffusion française :
23 février 1967
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Robert Sparr
Scénariste.s :
Stanley Ralph Ross
Guest.s :
Julie Newmar
Jacques Bergerac
David Lewis
Whitney Blake
Paul Picerni
Paul Mantee
Sheldon Allman
Stanley Adams